Post Roundup: Wellness
Wellness Melanie Hodges Neufeld Wellness Melanie Hodges Neufeld

Post Roundup: Wellness

In case you missed it, here is a collection of posts to help you get a better understanding of the wellness resources and programs available to you:

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Bell Let’s Talk
Wellness Melanie Hodges Neufeld Wellness Melanie Hodges Neufeld

Bell Let’s Talk

Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day. In 2010, Bell Let’s Talk began a new conversation about Canada’s mental health. The goal of the day is to engage an open discussion about mental illness, and offer new ideas and hope for those who struggle.

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Give Yourself the Gift of Wellness
Wellness Melanie Hodges Neufeld Wellness Melanie Hodges Neufeld

Give Yourself the Gift of Wellness

CLIA recognizes the importance of promoting wellness for the profession. The National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada presented troubling statistics about the psychological distress and burnout facing our colleagues.

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