2023 CLIA Annual Report – Message From the CEO
About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld

2023 CLIA Annual Report – Message From the CEO

The 2023 CLIA Annual Report can now be found on the CLIA website. The following message is from Dave Jackson, CEO.
Looking back on 2023, I can certainly say it was another busy year. Amidst the hustle and bustle, there were several standout moments worth sharing with you. 

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2023 CLIA Annual Report – Message From the Chair
About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld

2023 CLIA Annual Report – Message From the Chair

The 2023 CLIA Annual Report can now be found on the CLIA website. The following message is from Allan Fineblit, K.C., CLIA Board Chair as his term as Chair and Board member ends. We’d like to thank Allan for his contribution to CLIA and for being a “huge fan”.

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Learn More About the CLIA Team
About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld

Learn More About the CLIA Team

Canadian law societies protect the public by requiring each lawyer to maintain one million dollars in errors and omissions insurance. Initially each law society purchased insurance from the private market. During a hard insurance market in the mid-1980s, premiums increased dramatically. In 1988, law societies could not purchase errors and omissions (E&O) insurance for members.

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CLIA Board Chair Report 2023
About CLIA Allan Fineblit About CLIA Allan Fineblit

CLIA Board Chair Report 2023

I am once again putting pen to paper (fingers to keys actually) to reflect on the year that has just passed at CLIA and to brag about our successes, apologize for our failures and generally whine about the things that annoy me!

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Welcome to the CLIA Blog!
About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld

Welcome to the CLIA Blog!

For 35 years, the Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA) has worked to bring peace of mind to the lawyers in our subscriber jurisdictions and the clients they serve.

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So What is CLIA Anyway?
About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld About CLIA Melanie Hodges Neufeld

So What is CLIA Anyway?

For an organization that has been around for 35 years, we have an image problem. Or perhaps a lack of image problem. Many of the lawyers we insure have never heard of us.

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