Prevent Data Loss with Backups

There are several minimum standards that must be in place in order for you to be eligible under the CLIA Mandatory Cyber program, including Backup Controls. With Ransomware constantly evolving, new variants continue to find and exploit weaknesses to spread throughout your entire network. When successful, this results in a mass infection impacting everything connected to your network, including backups that are not properly disconnected. Comprehensive backup procedures and controls are essential to operational continuity during a ransomware event. Backups ensure that your organization can be restored.

The eligibility requirements for backups include:

  • Weekly backups of data;

  • Stored offsite; and

  • Tested at least annually.  

To prevent data loss, consider using the 3-2-1 Backup Rule. It is an easy-to-remember acronym for keeping your data accessible in most scenarios. The rule proceeds as follows:

3 - Keep at least three (3) copies of your data

2 - Store two (2) backup copies on different storage mediums

1 - With at least one (1) of the copies stored offsite and completely disconnected from your organizations network.

The recent Law Society of Saskatchewan Bite Size CPD Series episode, Improving Cybersecurity Through Backups (Episode 136) provides further invaluable information on implementing a backup process.

See our website for more information on Cyber Coverage Eligibility Requirements.


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