Post Roundup: Cyber Coverage and Awareness

In case you missed it, here is a collection of posts to help you get a better understanding of your cyber coverage:

Learn what cyber coverage you have under the Mandatory Cyber insurance program, the eligibility requirements for this coverage and that excess cyber coverage is available.

You are a member in a CLIA jurisdiction and you think you’ve been a victim of a cyber attack – what should you do? See this post for determining if a cyber attack has occurred and if it has, the steps you should take.

Minimum standards must be in place in order for you to be eligible under the Mandatory Cyber Program, including employee awareness training. Learn more about the requirements and training opportunities.

If you use the internet in any capacity, you and your law firm are targets for a cyber attack. CLIA administers a Mandatory Cyber insurance program and an enhanced Stand-alone Cyber insurance product for lawyers in our Subscribing jurisdictions if they face a cyber attack. But prevention is the best policy. The Law Society of Saskatchewan Bite Size CPD episodes can help no matter what jurisdiction you practise. See this post for a list and description of episodes focused on Cyber Security.

There are several minimum standards that must be in place in order for you to be eligible under the CLIA Mandatory Cyber program, including Backup Controls. With Ransomware constantly evolving, new variants continue to find and exploit weaknesses to spread throughout your entire network. When successful, this results in a mass infection impacting everything connected to your network, including backups that are not properly disconnected. Comprehensive backup procedures and controls are essential to operational continuity during a ransomware event. See this post for tips for improving your cybersecurity with backups.


Post Roundup: Wellness


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