Roundup: Avoiding Missed Limitation Periods

TMissed limitation periods continues to be one of the most common claims areas for CLIA Subscriber jurisdictions. Some reasons for missing a limitation period are inadequate office systems, human error and applying the wrong legislation. To help, we’ve compiled resources developed by our Subscribers and Partners. While some of the resources included below may be jurisdiction specific, there are more general useful tips throughout to help you avoid missing limitation periods no matter your jurisdiction. If you’re aware of any other useful resources or tips, please let us know!

General Resources:


Jurisdiction-Specific Resources:


Nova Scotia:


  • Limitation Periods involving Municipalities and Cities: The limitation period for claims against municipalities and cities is not the standard two-year limitations period pursuant to The Limitation Act, SS 2004, c L-16.1.

  • Saskatchewan Limitations Manual: The online version of the Manual contains an alphabetical list of all statutes with limitation periods, including The Limitation Act, SS 2004, c L-16.1 and relevant case law annotations. On each statute name listed, a link to the text of the statute as it appears on CanLII allows the user to read the entire act or to search for the specific section within the statute.


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