Loss Prevention Online Repository

CLIA has a strong commitment to loss prevention. We take a proactive approach to avoiding claims and recently developed a Loss Prevention Strategic Plan to more focus our energies on helping lawyers find the loss prevention resources they need.

As a central hub for our nine subscribers, we’ve developed a Loss Prevention Online Repository to house the resources created by our subscribers and partners. A collection of links to numerous checklists, tips, articles and guides can be found from several Canadian jurisdictions. CLIA offers one-stop-shopping for those who need a quick source of loss prevention resources.

Moving forward, we will be reviewing the content and format of the Online Repository. Stay tuned for new additions and a new look for easier use. If you have any suggestions for content or format, please contact Melanie Hodges Neufeld at mhodgesneufeld@clia.ca.


Claims Based vs. Occurrence Based: Understanding Your Coverage Needs


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