Alberta Excess Cyber Coverage

The Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association administers a Mandatory Cyber insurance program. CLIA also provides an optional, enhanced Stand-alone Cyber insurance product for purchase by Alberta lawyers which can augment your protection, and provide your firm with robust coverage for it’s potential expenses and lost revenues in the event of a breach or attack. 


The following table outlines the ALIA Mandatory Cyber and optional Stand-Alone Cyber Coverages: 

* These coverages are available for an additional fee and must be purchased in conjunction with Stand Alone Cyber.

See our website for more information, including coverage explanations.

Thinking of Applying for Excess Cyber Insurance?

The stand-alone cyber insurance can be purchased in conjunction with the excess liability coverage or on its own. The renewal period is now open until June 30th for existing customers and July 31st for new customers. See How Do I Apply for Excess Coverage? for more information.

Before applying, note the following:

  • Application process required: Law firms are required to go through an application process for the cyber stand-alone insurance. Law firms applying for insurance must meet certain requirements in order to be eligible for insurance. If the applicant fails any of the underwriting questions, they may still be eligible for cyber insurance but with additional underwriting, or they may not be eligible and will be required to make changes to their IT systems and/or processes. Some of the questions in the application form may require the assistance of your IT department. If you would like the questions in advance, contact

  • Cyber coverage cannot be prorated: If you are a new customer, get your application in by July, 31st as cyber coverage cannot be prorated.


Excess Coverage for Solo Practitioners and Small Firms


From the Vault: CLIA Loss Prevention Bulletin #155: Client Selection